The best Calgary house cleaners not only know all the tricks of the trade for deep-cleaning your home — they also know the ins-and-outs of how you can keep your home sparkling in between deep cleanings. In the summer months, when Calgary gets hottest, one of the most challenging parts of your house to keep clean is the drain of your kitchen sink. Food that gets stuck in the drain, paired with the warmth in the air, makes your sink the perfect breeding ground for unpleasant smells, mould growth and of course, fruit flies. Are there any easy ways to keep your sink drain clean in the heat of the summer?
Rinse with Hot Water Regularly: The best Calgary house cleaners know that a little hot water goes a long way. Every time you boil a pot of water on the stove or in the kettle for tea, add a little extra in there to pour down the drain. The hot water will kill off any bacteria or fruit fly eggs that have been recently laid.
Do A Once A Week Vinegar Rinse: This is as easy as it sounds — once a week, in combination with your hot water, rinse your drain with a cup of vinegar or bleach to really kill off anything that’s hiding in there. This is a great item to add to the weekly task list for your cleaners — and the best Calgary house cleaners will already be doing it.
Use Paper Towels Instead of Rinsing Your Plate: Now that Calgary has curb side composting, instead of rinsing the food off your plates, use compostable paper towels to wipe plates down. This is a really easy way to eliminate any food getting stuck in the drain, as little bits of lunch and dinner are exactly where odours start. A deep clean of your drain is something you should ask your Calgary house cleaners to do once a month or bi-monthly.